Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Re: Can You Multitask?

I could not agree with you more Kimosabi..I was recently sitting at a stoplight on Parmer, when out of nowhere, this behemoth of a woman on a cell phone rearended me at a speed of what felt like 50 m.p.h. Even though I often use my cell phone while driving, after such an experience, I would greatly support an Austin ordinance that prohibits cell phone use while operating a motor vehicle. It would no doubt have a positive impact on Austin's traffic. A study released this pass May by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a nonpartisan public policy institute in California, revealed that California's new hand held cell phone ban is saving 300 lives each year."What the numbers show is that hands free laws clearly reduce fatalities in bad weather and on wet roads between 30 and 60 percent, but surprisingly in good driving conditions the ban didn't seem to have much affect. In California, where 4,000 people die in traffic accidents each year, the life savings equaled 300." For the record, it was bright and sunny when I was rearended...

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