Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Comment on "Den of Rats" from Original Texan: God...

First off, I think you are being a tad stereotypical..."One issue is that they tend to live in places like old warehouses and shacks that are rented out for next to nothing while not first acquiring basic means of sanitation like plumbing, or proper facilities for keeping up personal high gene, such as a place to take a bath, nor do I reckon that they have the decent desire to take baths." Seriously, who gives a s#%t? Atleast these "rats" are paying their bills, even if they are marginal payments(Why would that matter?). Secondly, if someone wants to be filthy then that is their prerogative. If they are paying their bills and acting in accordance with the law, then stink on my friends, stink on..It is my opinion that, if anyone needs to relocate, it is the people whom are holding up "need money" signs at every other stoplight in Austin(the homeless). They are the "useless slovenly rats" you were talking about..hahah J/K.. That sounds a bit harsh, but Austin's homeless population has grown immensely over the past 10 years..It's irritating..And as for the "hip cafes" and clothing stores you abhor, they are exactly what this city needs more of..More LOCAL businesses PLEASE! Would you prefer another Wallmart? I think that you have a false perception of artists, excuse me, "hippies."
Take Care Hombre-

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