Tuesday, September 30, 2008

pshhh..Jasper, Tx.

I just realized this article is from 1999...
In this article, the author talks about the his belief that a race war between blacks and whites is a real possibility in this country. He points to recent publicized hate crimes and racial conflicts to be ominous signs of what is to come. As in Texas, "two groups of black militants -- some brandishing shotguns and rifles -- are in Jasper, loudly warning of dire consequences if the judge and jury don't deliver what they see as justice" for the James Byrd slaying. The author of this article, Carl T. Rowan, believes that many blacks and whites lack restraint and intelligence, "so serious trouble could be just a provocation away." I disagree...Having previously written The Coming Race War in America, which predicts that armed hate groups will "take America back for the white man," Rowan appears to be desperately searching for racial incidents to support his claims. While I am well aware of the racism that exists all over the United States, I don't believe that any race wars will be prevalent in the future. Though the civil rights movement was merely fifty years ago, I believe that overall as a nation we have become much more accepting of various races, religions, and beliefs that make up our country. I believe that as the old racists of this country die off there will be fewer hate crimes occurring. In current day America, public schooling enables kids of all races to interact and develop relationships early on. As time goes on, kids will be more and more accustomed to being around other races, and the harsh realities of the past will seem more and more distant.

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